- DSC (Digital Selective Calling) ITU-R M.493 Class-H operation
- Built-in integrated 66 channel GPS receiver
- 6W transmit power output (selectable 6/2/1 W)
- Available in navy blue or black
- Floating and Submersible to IPX8 with a Water-activated emergency white strobe light
- 700mW loud audio and Noise cancelling function for both transmit and receive audio
- 11-hour operating time with 1800mAh high capacity Li-ion battery (Based on a 5-5-90 duty cycle)
- SBT-13 Alkaline Battery Case for 5 x AAA included
- Easy to Operate menu system with a large (43 x 43 mm) full-dot matrix display
- Selectable display mode – day & night
- Waypoint and route navigation
- Group monitor function utilizing DSC group position call
- MOB (Man Over Board) feature
- Versatile scanning operation (dual watch and triple watch)
- FM broadcast radio receiver
- Rugged case construction conforms to Military Standard (MIL-STD-810F)
- Two scrambler systems built-in – 4-code CVS2500A & 32-code FVP-42
- Micro USB data jack for PC programming
- All USA, International and Canadian channels
- ATIS Mode for European Inland Waterways
- 3 Year Waterproof Warranty
Please contact us to provide a quote